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Category — Trojan
APT-C-60 Group Exploit WPS Office Flaw to Deploy SpyGlace Backdoor

APT-C-60 Group Exploit WPS Office Flaw to Deploy SpyGlace Backdoor

Aug 28, 2024 Cyber Attack / Vulnerability
A South Korea-aligned cyber espionage has been linked to the zero-day exploitation of a now-patched critical remote code execution flaw in Kingsoft WPS Office to deploy a bespoke backdoor dubbed SpyGlace. The activity has been attributed to a threat actor dubbed APT-C-60 , according to cybersecurity firms ESET and DBAPPSecurity. The attacks have been found to infect Chinese and East Asian users with malware. The security flaw in question is CVE-2024-7262 (CVSS score: 9.3), which stems from a lack of proper validation of user-provided file paths. This loophole essentially allows an adversary to upload an arbitrary Windows library and achieve remote code execution. The bug "allows code execution via hijacking the control flow of the WPS Office plugin component promecefpluginhost.exe," ESET said , adding it found another way to achieve the same effect. The second vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2024-7263 (CVSS score: 9.3). The attack conceived by APT-C-60 weaponizes the
Russian Government Software Backdoored to Deploy Konni RAT Malware

Russian Government Software Backdoored to Deploy Konni RAT Malware

Feb 22, 2024 Malware / Cyber Espionage
An installer for a tool likely used by the Russian Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MID) has been backdoored to deliver a remote access trojan called  Konni RAT  (aka  UpDog ). The findings come from German cybersecurity company DCSO, which linked the activity as originating from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)-nexus actors targeting Russia. The Konni (aka Opal Sleet, Osmium, or  TA406 ) activity cluster has an established pattern of deploying Konni RAT against Russian entities, with the threat actor also linked to  attacks directed against MID  at least since October 2021. In November 2023, Fortinet FortiGuard Labs  revealed  the use of Russian-language Microsoft Word documents to deliver malware capable of harvesting sensitive information from compromised Windows hosts. DCSO said the packaging of Konni RAT within software installers is a technique  previously adopted  by the group in October 2023, when it was found to leverage a backd
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Warning for iPhone Users: Experts Warn of Sneaky Fake Lockdown Mode Attack

Warning for iPhone Users: Experts Warn of Sneaky Fake Lockdown Mode Attack

Dec 05, 2023 Mobile Security / Spyware
A new "post-exploitation tampering technique" can be abused by malicious actors to visually deceive a target into believing that their Apple iPhone is running in Lockdown Mode when it's actually not and carry out covert attacks. The novel method, detailed by Jamf Threat Labs in a  report  shared with The Hacker News, "shows that if a hacker has already infiltrated your device, they can cause Lockdown Mode to be 'bypassed' when you trigger its activation." In other words, the goal is to implement Fake Lockdown Mode on a device that's compromised by an attacker through other means, such as  unpatched security flaws  that can trigger execution of arbitrary code. Lockdown Mode , introduced by Apple last year with iOS 16, is an  enhanced security measure  that aims to safeguard high-risk individuals from sophisticated digital threats such as mercenary spyware by  minimizing the attack surface . What it doesn't do is prevent the execution of mali
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Experts Uncover DarkCasino: New Emerging APT Threat Exploiting WinRAR Flaw

Experts Uncover DarkCasino: New Emerging APT Threat Exploiting WinRAR Flaw

Nov 16, 2023 Advanced Persistent Threat / Zero-Day
A hacking group that leveraged a recently disclosed security flaw in the WinRAR software as a zero-day has now been categorized as an entirely new advanced persistent threat (APT). Cybersecurity company NSFOCUS has described  DarkCasino  as an "economically motivated" actor that first came to light in 2021. "DarkCasino is an APT threat actor with strong technical and learning ability, who is good at integrating various popular APT attack technologies into its attack process," the company  said  in an analysis. "Attacks launched by the APT group DarkCasino are very frequent, demonstrating a strong desire to steal online property." DarkCasino was most recently linked to the zero-day exploitation of  CVE-2023-38831  (CVSS score: 7.8), a security flaw that can be weaponized to launch malicious payloads. In August 2023, Group-IB disclosed real-world attacks weaponizing the vulnerability and aimed at online trading forums at least since April 2023 to deli
Transparent Tribe Uses Fake YouTube Android Apps to Spread CapraRAT Malware

Transparent Tribe Uses Fake YouTube Android Apps to Spread CapraRAT Malware

Sep 19, 2023 Mobile Security / Malware
The suspected Pakistan-linked threat actor known as  Transparent Tribe  is using malicious Android apps mimicking YouTube to distribute the CapraRAT mobile remote access trojan (RAT), demonstrating the continued evolution of the activity. "CapraRAT is a highly invasive tool that gives the attacker control over much of the data on the Android devices that it infects," SentinelOne security researcher Alex Delamotte  said  in a Monday analysis. Transparent Tribe , also known as APT36, is known to  target Indian entities  for intelligence-gathering purposes, relying on an arsenal of tools capable of infiltrating Windows, Linux, and Android systems. A crucial component of its toolset is  CapraRAT , which has been propagated in the form of trojanized secure messaging and calling apps branded as MeetsApp and MeetUp. These weaponized apps are distributed using social engineering lures. The latest set of Android package (APK) files discovered by SentinelOne are engineered to mas
New TOITOIN Banking Trojan Targeting Latin American Businesses

New TOITOIN Banking Trojan Targeting Latin American Businesses

Jul 10, 2023 Enterprise Security / Malware
Businesses operating in the Latin American (LATAM) region are the target of a new Windows-based banking trojan called  TOITOIN  since May 2023. "This sophisticated campaign employs a trojan that follows a multi-staged infection chain, utilizing specially crafted modules throughout each stage," Zscaler researchers Niraj Shivtarkar and Preet Kamal  said  in a report published last week. "These modules are custom designed to carry out malicious activities, such as injecting harmful code into remote processes, circumventing User Account Control via COM Elevation Moniker, and evading detection by Sandboxes through clever techniques like system reboots and parent process checks." The six-stage endeavor has all the hallmarks of a well-crafted attack sequence, beginning with a phishing email containing an embedded link that points to a ZIP archive hosted on an Amazon EC2 instance to evade domain-based detections. The email messages leverage an invoice-themed lure to t
Hackers Using Trojanized macOS Apps to Deploy Evasive Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

Hackers Using Trojanized macOS Apps to Deploy Evasive Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

Feb 23, 2023 Endpoint Security / Cryptocurrency
Trojanized versions of legitimate applications are being used to deploy evasive cryptocurrency mining malware on macOS systems. Jamf Threat Labs, which made the discovery, said the XMRig coin miner was executed by means of an unauthorized modification in Final Cut Pro, a video editing software from Apple. "This malware makes use of the Invisible Internet Project (i2p) [...] to download malicious components and send mined currency to the attacker's wallet," Jamf researchers Matt Benyo, Ferdous Saljooki, and Jaron Bradley  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. An earlier iteration of the campaign was  documented  exactly a year ago by Trend Micro, which pointed out the malware's use of i2p to conceal network traffic and speculated that it may have been delivered as a DMG file for Adobe Photoshop CC 2019.  The Apple device management company said the source of the cryptojacking apps can be traced to Pirate Bay, with the earliest uploads dating all the way
UpdateAgent Returns with New macOS Malware Dropper Written in Swift

UpdateAgent Returns with New macOS Malware Dropper Written in Swift

May 17, 2022
A new variant of the macOS malware tracked as UpdateAgent has been spotted in the wild, indicating ongoing attempts on the part of its authors to upgrade its functionalities. "Perhaps one of the most identifiable features of the malware is that it relies on the AWS infrastructure to host its various payloads and perform its infection status updates to the server," researchers from Jamf Threat Labs  said  in a report. UpdateAgent, first detected in late 2020, has since  evolved  into a malware dropper, facilitating the distribution of second-stage payloads such as adware while also bypassing macOS  Gatekeeper  protections. The newly discovered Swift-based dropper masquerades as Mach-O binaries named " PDFCreator " and " ActiveDirectory " that, upon execution, establish a connection to a remote server and retrieve a bash script to be executed. "The primary difference [between the two executables] is that it reaches out to a different URL from wh
Experts Sound Alarm on DCRat Backdoor Being Sold on Russian Hacking Forums

Experts Sound Alarm on DCRat Backdoor Being Sold on Russian Hacking Forums

May 09, 2022
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on an actively maintained remote access trojan called DCRat (aka DarkCrystal RAT) that's offered on sale for "dirt cheap" prices, making it accessible to professional cybercriminal groups and novice actors alike. "Unlike the well-funded, massive Russian threat groups crafting custom malware [...], this remote access Trojan (RAT) appears to be the work of a lone actor, offering a surprisingly effective homemade tool for opening backdoors on a budget," BlackBerry researchers said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "In fact, this threat actor's commercial RAT sells at a fraction of the standard price such tools command on Russian underground forums." Written in .NET by an individual codenamed "boldenis44" and "crystalcoder," DCRat is a full-featured backdoor whose functionalities can be further augmented by third-party plugins developed by affiliates using a dedicated integrated
New SEO Poisoning Campaign Distributing Trojanized Versions of Popular Software

New SEO Poisoning Campaign Distributing Trojanized Versions of Popular Software

Feb 03, 2022
An ongoing search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning attack campaign has been observed abusing trust in legitimate software utilities to trick users into downloading BATLOADER malware on compromised machines. "The threat actor used 'free productivity apps installation' or 'free software development tools installation' themes as SEO keywords to lure victims to a compromised website and to download a malicious installer," researchers from Mandiant  said  in a report published this week. In  SEO poisoning  attacks, adversaries artificially increase the search engine ranking of websites (genuine or otherwise) hosting their malware to make them show up on top of search results so that users searching for specific apps like TeamViewer, Visual Studio, and Zoom are infected with malware. The installer, while packing the legitimate software, is also bundled with the BATLOADER payload that's executed during the installation process. The malware then acts as a
Over a Dozen Malicious NPM Packages Caught Hijacking Discord Servers

Over a Dozen Malicious NPM Packages Caught Hijacking Discord Servers

Dec 09, 2021
At least 17 malware-laced packages have been discovered on the NPM package Registry, adding to a  recent barrage of malicious software  hosted and delivered through open-source software repositories such as PyPi and RubyGems. DevOps firm JFrog said the libraries, now taken down, were designed to grab Discord access tokens and  environment variables  from users' computers as well as gain full control over a victim's system. "The packages' payloads are varied, ranging from infostealers up to full remote access backdoors," researchers Andrey Polkovnychenko and Shachar Menashe said in a  report  published Wednesday. "Additionally, the packages have different infection tactics, including typosquatting,  dependency confusion  and trojan functionality." The list of packages is below - prerequests-xcode (version 1.0.4) discord-selfbot-v14 (version 12.0.3) discord-lofy (version 11.5.1) discordsystem (version 11.5.1) discord-vilao (version 1.0.0) fix-e
Hackers Now Hiding ObliqueRAT Payload in Images to Evade Detection

Hackers Now Hiding ObliqueRAT Payload in Images to Evade Detection

Mar 03, 2021
Cybercriminals are now deploying remote access Trojans (RATs) under the guise of seemingly innocuous images hosted on infected websites, once again highlighting how threat actors quickly change tactics when their attack methods are discovered and exposed publicly. New research released by Cisco Talos reveals an active malware campaign targeting organizations in South Asia that utilize malicious Microsoft Office documents forged with macros to spread a RAT that goes by the name of  ObliqueRAT . First documented in  February 2020 , the malware has been linked to a threat actor tracked as  Transparent Tribe  (aka Operation C-Major, Mythic Leopard, or APT36), a highly prolific group allegedly of Pakistani origin known for its attacks against human rights activists in the country as well as military and government personnel in India. While the ObliqueRAT modus operandi previously overlapped with another Transparent Tribe campaign in December 2019 to disseminate CrimsonRAT, the new wave
Gootkit RAT Using SEO to Distribute Malware Through Compromised Sites

Gootkit RAT Using SEO to Distribute Malware Through Compromised Sites

Mar 01, 2021
A framework notorious for delivering a banking Trojan has received a facelift to deploy a wider range of malware, including ransomware payloads. "The  Gootkit  malware family has been around more than half a decade – a mature Trojan with functionality centered around banking credential theft," Sophos researchers Gabor Szappanos and Andrew Brandt  said  in a write-up published today. "In recent years, almost as much effort has gone into improvement of its delivery method as has gone into the NodeJS-based malware itself." Dubbed "Gootloader," the expanded malware delivery system comes amid a surge in the number of infections targeting users in France, Germany, South Korea, and the U.S. First documented in 2014, Gootkit is a Javascript-based malware platform capable of carrying out an array of covert activities, including web injection, capturing keystrokes, taking screenshots, recording videos, as well as email and password theft. Over the years, the
Watch Out! New Android Banking Trojan Steals From 112 Financial Apps

Watch Out! New Android Banking Trojan Steals From 112 Financial Apps

Nov 10, 2020
Four months after security researchers uncovered a " Tetrade " of four Brazilian banking Trojans targeting financial institutions in Brazil, Latin America, and Europe, new findings show that the criminals behind the operation have expanded their tactics to infect mobile devices with spyware. According to Kaspersky's Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT), the Brazil-based threat group Guildma has deployed " Ghimob ," an Android banking Trojan targeting financial apps from banks, fintech companies, exchanges, and cryptocurrencies in Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Germany, Angola, and Mozambique. "Ghimob is a full-fledged spy in your pocket: once infection is completed, the hacker can access the infected device remotely, completing the fraudulent transaction with the victim's smartphone, so as to avoid machine identification, security measures implemented by financial institutions and all their anti-fraud behavioral systems," the cybersecur
Windows GravityRAT Malware Now Also Targets macOS and Android Devices

Windows GravityRAT Malware Now Also Targets macOS and Android Devices

Oct 20, 2020
A Windows-based remote access Trojan believed to be designed by Pakistani hacker groups to infiltrate computers and steal users' data has resurfaced after a two-year span with retooled capabilities to target Android and macOS devices. According to cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, the malware — dubbed " GravityRAT " — now masquerades as legitimate Android and macOS apps to capture device data, contact lists, e-mail addresses, and call and text logs and transmit them to an attacker-controlled server. First documented by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) in August 2017 and subsequently by  Cisco Talos  in April 2018, GravityRAT has been known to target Indian entities and organizations via malware-laced Microsoft Office Word documents at least since 2015. Noting that the threat actor developed at least four different versions of the espionage tool, Cisco said, "the developer was clever enough to keep this infrastructure safe, and not have it blackl
FBI issues alert over two new malware linked to Hidden Cobra hackers

FBI issues alert over two new malware linked to Hidden Cobra hackers

May 30, 2018
The US-CERT has released a joint technical alert from the DHS and the FBI, warning about two newly identified malware being used by the prolific North Korean APT hacking group known as Hidden Cobra. Hidden Cobra, often known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace, is believed to be backed by the North Korean government and known to launch attacks against media organizations, aerospace, financial and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The group was even associated with the WannaCry ransomware menace that last year shut down hospitals and businesses worldwide. It is reportedly also linked to the 2014 Sony Pictures hack , as well as the SWIFT Banking attack in 2016. Now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI have uncovered two new pieces of malware that Hidden Cobra has been using since at least 2009 to target companies working in the media, aerospace, financial, and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The malware Hidden Cobra is
Cyber Espionage Group Targets Asian Countries With Bitcoin Mining Malware

Cyber Espionage Group Targets Asian Countries With Bitcoin Mining Malware

Feb 07, 2018
Security researchers have discovered a custom-built piece of malware that's wreaking havoc in Asia for past several months and is capable of performing nasty tasks, like password stealing, bitcoin mining, and providing hackers complete remote access to compromised systems. Dubbed Operation PZChao , the attack campaign discovered by the security researchers at Bitdefender have been targeting organizations in the government, technology, education, and telecommunications sectors in Asia and the United States. Researchers believe nature, infrastructure, and payloads, including variants of the Gh0stRAT trojan, used in the PZChao attacks are reminiscent of the notorious Chinese hacker group— Iron Tiger . However, this campaign has evolved its payloads to drop trojan, conduct cyber espionage and mine Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The PZChao campaign is attacking targets across Asia and the U.S. by using similar attack tactics as of Iron Tiger, which, according to the researchers, si
Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

Jan 25, 2018
Are you using Linux or Mac OS? If you think your system is not prone to viruses, then you should read this. Wide-range of cybercriminals are now using a new piece of 'undetectable' spying malware that targets Windows, macOS, Solaris and Linux systems. Just last week we published a detailed article on the report from EFF/Lookout that revealed a new advanced persistent threat (APT) group, called Dark Caracal , engaged in global mobile espionage campaigns. Although the report revealed about the group's successful large-scale hacking operations against mobile phones rather than computers, it also shed light on a new piece of cross-platform malware called CrossRAT (version 0.1), which is believed to be developed by, or for, the Dark Caracal group. CrossRAT is a cross-platform remote access Trojan that can target all four popular desktop operating systems, Windows, Solaris, Linux, and macOS, enabling remote attackers to manipulate the file system, take screenshots, ru
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