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Category — Remote Access Trojan
North Korean Hackers Using New VeilShell Backdoor in Stealthy Cyber Attacks

North Korean Hackers Using New VeilShell Backdoor in Stealthy Cyber Attacks

Oct 03, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
Threat actors with ties to North Korea have been observed delivering a previously undocumented backdoor and remote access trojan (RAT) called VeilShell as part of a campaign targeting Cambodia and likely other Southeast Asian countries. The activity, dubbed SHROUDED#SLEEP by Securonix, is believed to be the handiwork of APT37 , which is also known as InkySquid, Reaper, RedEyes, Ricochet Chollima, Ruby Sleet, and ScarCruft. Active since at least 2012, the adversarial collective is assessed to be part of North Korea's Ministry of State Security (MSS). Like with other state-aligned groups, those affiliated with North Korea, including the Lazarus Group and Kimsuky, vary in their modus operandi and likely have ever-evolving objectives based on state interests. A key malware in its toolbox is RokRAT (aka Goldbackdoor), although the group has also developed custom tools to facilitate covert intelligence gathering. It's currently not known how the first stage payload, a ZIP arc
Transportation Companies Hit by Cyberattacks Using Lumma Stealer and NetSupport Malware

Transportation Companies Hit by Cyberattacks Using Lumma Stealer and NetSupport Malware

Sep 25, 2024 Email Security / Threat Intelligence
Transportation and logistics companies in North America are the target of a new phishing campaign that delivers a variety of information stealers and remote access trojans (RATs). The activity cluster, per Proofpoint, makes use of compromised legitimate email accounts belonging to transportation and shipping companies so as to inject malicious content into existing email conversations. As many as 15 breached email accounts have been identified as used as part of the campaign. It's currently not clear how these accounts are infiltrated in the first place or who is behind the attacks. "Activity which occurred from May to July 2024 predominately delivered Lumma Stealer, StealC, or NetSupport," the enterprise security firm said in an analysis published Tuesday. "In August 2024, the threat actor changed tactics by employing new infrastructure and a new delivery technique, as well as adding payloads to deliver DanaBot and Arechclient2." The attack chains invol
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
New Brazilian-Linked SambaSpy Malware Targets Italian Users via Phishing Emails

New Brazilian-Linked SambaSpy Malware Targets Italian Users via Phishing Emails

Sep 19, 2024 Cyber Attack / Malware
A previously undocumented malware called SambaSpy is exclusively targeting users in Italy via a phishing campaign orchestrated by a suspected Brazilian Portuguese-speaking threat actor. "Threat actors usually try to cast a wide net to maximize their profits, but these attackers are focused on just one country," Kaspersky said in a new analysis. "It's likely that the attackers are testing the waters with Italian users before expanding their operation to other countries." The starting point of the attack is a phishing email that either includes an HTML attachment or an embedded link that initiates the infection process. Should the HTML attachment be opened, a ZIP archive containing an interim downloader or dropper is used to deploy and launch the multi-functional RAT payload. The downloader, for its part, is responsible for fetching the malware from a remote server. The dropper, on the other hand, does the same thing, but extracts the payload from the archive
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Blind Eagle Targets Colombian Insurance Sector with Customized Quasar RAT

Blind Eagle Targets Colombian Insurance Sector with Customized Quasar RAT

Sep 09, 2024 Financial Security / Malware
The Colombian insurance sector is the target of a threat actor tracked as Blind Eagle with the end goal of delivering a customized version of a known commodity remote access trojan (RAT) referred to as Quasar RAT since June 2024. "Attacks have originated with phishing emails impersonating the Colombian tax authority," Zscaler ThreatLabz researcher Gaetano Pellegrino said in a new analysis published last week. The advanced persistent threat (APT), also known as AguilaCiega, APT-C-36, and APT-Q-98, has a track record of focusing on organizations and individuals in South America, particularly related to the government and finance sectors in Colombia and Ecuador. The attack chains, as recently documented by Kaspersky, originate with phishing emails that entice recipients into clicking on malicious links that serve as the launchpad for the infection process. The links, either embedded within a PDF attachment or directly in the email body, point to ZIP archives hosted on
Malware Attackers Using MacroPack to Deliver Havoc, Brute Ratel, and PhantomCore

Malware Attackers Using MacroPack to Deliver Havoc, Brute Ratel, and PhantomCore

Sep 05, 2024 Cyber Threat / Malware
Threat actors are likely employing a tool designated for red teaming exercises to serve malware, according to new findings from Cisco Talos. The program in question is a payload generation framework called MacroPack , which is used to generate Office documents, Visual Basic scripts, Windows shortcuts, and other formats for penetration testing and social engineering assessments. It was developed by French developer Emeric Nasi. The cybersecurity company said it found artifacts uploaded to VirusTotal from China, Pakistan, Russia, and the U.S. that were all generated by MacroPack and used to deliver various payloads such as Havoc, Brute Ratel , and a new variant of PhantomCore , a remote access trojan (RAT) attributed to a hacktivist group named Head Mare. "A common feature in all the malicious documents we dissected that caught our attention is the existence of four non-malicious VBA subroutines," Talos researcher Vanja Svajcer said . "These subroutines appeared
North Korean Hackers Deploy New MoonPeak Trojan in Cyber Campaign

North Korean Hackers Deploy New MoonPeak Trojan in Cyber Campaign

Aug 21, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Malware
A new remote access trojan called MoonPeak has been discovered as being used by a state-sponsored North Korean threat activity cluster as part of a new campaign. Cisco Talos attributed the malicious cyber campaign to a hacking group it tracks as UAT-5394, which it said exhibits some level of tactical overlaps with a known nation-state actor codenamed Kimsuky . MoonPeak, under active development by the threat actor, is a variant of the open-source Xeno RAT malware, which was previously deployed as part of phishing attacks that were designed to retrieve the payload from actor-controlled cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive. Some of the key features of Xeno RAT include the ability to load additional plugins, launch and terminate processes, and communicate with a command-and-control (C2) server. Talos said the commonalities between the two intrusion sets either indicate UAT-5394 is actually Kimsuky (or its sub-group) or it's another hacking crew wi
Blind Eagle Hackers Exploit Spear-Phishing to Deploy RATs in Latin America

Blind Eagle Hackers Exploit Spear-Phishing to Deploy RATs in Latin America

Aug 20, 2024 Malware / Cyber Espionage
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a threat actor known as Blind Eagle that has persistently targeted entities and individuals in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Panama, and other Latin American nations. Targets of these attacks span several sectors, including governmental institutions, financial companies, energy and oil and gas companies. "Blind Eagle has demonstrated adaptability in shaping the objectives of its cyberattacks and the versatility to switch between purely financially motivated attacks and espionage operations," Kaspersky said in a Monday report. Also referred to as APT-C-36, Blind Eagle is believed to be active since at least 2018. The suspected Spanish-speaking group is known for using spear-phishing lures to distribute various publicly available remote access trojans such as AsyncRAT, BitRAT, Lime RAT, NjRAT, Quasar RAT, and Remcos RAT. Earlier this March, eSentire detailed the adversary's use of a malware loader called Ande Loader to propa
New UULoader Malware Distributes Gh0st RAT and Mimikatz in East Asia

New UULoader Malware Distributes Gh0st RAT and Mimikatz in East Asia

Aug 19, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Cryptocurrency
A new type of malware called UULoader is being used by threat actors to deliver next-stage payloads like Gh0st RAT and Mimikatz . The Cyberint Research Team, which discovered the malware, said it's distributed in the form of malicious installers for legitimate applications targeting Korean and Chinese speakers. There is evidence pointing to UULoader being the work of a Chinese speaker due to the presence of Chinese strings in program database (PDB) files embedded within the DLL file. "UULoader's 'core' files are contained in a Microsoft Cabinet archive (.cab) file which contains two primary executables (an .exe and a .dll) which have had their file header stripped," the company said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. One of the executables is a legitimate binary that's susceptible to DLL side-loading, which is used to sideload the DLL file that ultimately loads the final stage, an obfuscate file named "XamlHost.sys" that&#
Multi-Stage ValleyRAT Targets Chinese Users with Advanced Tactics

Multi-Stage ValleyRAT Targets Chinese Users with Advanced Tactics

Aug 16, 2024 Cyber Attack / Malware
Chinese-speaking users are the target of an ongoing campaign that distributes a malware known as ValleyRAT. "ValleyRAT is a multi-stage malware that utilizes diverse techniques to monitor and control its victims and deploy arbitrary plugins to cause further damage," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researchers Eduardo Altares and Joie Salvio said . "Another noteworthy characteristic of this malware is its heavy usage of shellcode to execute its many components directly in memory, significantly reducing its file footprint in the victim's system." Details about the campaign first emerged in June 2024, when Zscaler ThreatLabz detailed attacks involving an updated version of the malware. Exactly how the latest iteration of ValleyRAT is distributed is currently not known, although previous campaigns have leveraged email messages containing URLs pointing to compressed executables. "Based on the filenames of the executables we found, they're likely using phis
New Android Banking Trojan BingoMod Steals Money, Wipes Devices

New Android Banking Trojan BingoMod Steals Money, Wipes Devices

Aug 01, 2024 Banking Trojan / Cyber Fraud
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new Android remote access trojan (RAT) called BingoMod that not only performs fraudulent money transfers from the compromised devices but also wipes them in an attempt to erase traces of the malware. Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy, which discovered the RAT towards the end of May 2024, said the malware is under active development. It attributed the Android trojan to a likely Romanian-speaking threat actor owing to the presence of Romanian language comments in the source code associated with early versions. "BingoMod belongs to the modern RAT generation of mobile malware, as its remote access capabilities allow threat actors (TAs) to conduct Account Takeover (ATO) directly from the infected device, thus exploiting the on-device fraud (ODF) technique," researchers Alessandro Strino and Simone Mattia said . It's worth mentioning here that this technique has been observed in other Android banking trojans, such as Medusa (aka
Gh0st RAT Trojan Targets Chinese Windows Users via Fake Chrome Site

Gh0st RAT Trojan Targets Chinese Windows Users via Fake Chrome Site

Jul 29, 2024 Cybersecurity / Cyber Espionage
The remote access trojan known as Gh0st RAT has been observed being delivered by an "evasive dropper" called Gh0stGambit as part of a drive-by download scheme targeting Chinese-speaking Windows users. These infections stem from a fake website ("chrome-web[.]com") serving malicious installer packages masquerading as Google's Chrome browser, indicating that users searching for the software on the web are being singled out. Gh0st RAT is a long-standing malware that has been observed in the wild since 2008, manifesting in the form of different variants over the years in campaigns primarily orchestrated by China-nexus cyberespionage groups. Some iterations of the trojan have also been previously deployed by infiltrating poorly-secured MS SQL server instances, using it as a conduit to install the Hidden open-source rootkit. According to cybersecurity firm eSentire, which discovered the latest activity, the targeting of Chinese-speaking users is based on &quo
Patchwork Hackers Target Bhutan with Advanced Brute Ratel C4 Tool

Patchwork Hackers Target Bhutan with Advanced Brute Ratel C4 Tool

Jul 24, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
The threat actor known as Patchwork has been linked to a cyber attack targeting entities with ties to Bhutan to deliver the Brute Ratel C4 framework and an updated version of a backdoor called PGoShell. The development marks the first time the adversary has been observed using the red teaming software, the Knownsec 404 Team said in an analysis published last week. The activity cluster, also called APT-C-09, Dropping Elephant, Operation Hangover, Viceroy Tiger, and Zinc Emerson, is a state-sponsored actor likely of Indian origin. Known for conducting spear-phishing and watering hole attacks against China and Pakistan, the hacking crew is believed to be active since at least 2009, according to data shared by Chinese cybersecurity firm QiAnXin. Last July, Knownsec 404 disclosed details of an espionage campaign aimed at universities and research organizations in China that leveraged a .NET-based implant codenamed EyeShell to fetch and execute commands from an attacker-controlled
SocGholish Malware Exploits BOINC Project for Covert Cyberattacks

SocGholish Malware Exploits BOINC Project for Covert Cyberattacks

Jul 22, 2024 Vulnerability / Malware
The JavaScript downloader malware known as SocGholish (aka FakeUpdates) is being used to deliver a remote access trojan called AsyncRAT as well as a legitimate open-source project called BOINC. BOINC , short for Berkeley Open Infrastructure Network Computing Client, is an open-source "volunteer computing" platform maintained by the University of California with an aim to carry out "large-scale distributed high-throughput computing" using participating home computers on which the app is installed. "It's similar to a cryptocurrency miner in that way (using computer resources to do work), and it's actually designed to reward users with a specific type of cryptocurrency called Gridcoin, designed for this purpose," Huntress researchers Matt Anderson, Alden Schmidt, and Greg Linares said in a report published last week. These malicious installations are designed to connect to an actor-controlled domain ("rosettahome[.]cn" or "rosettah
60 New Malicious Packages Uncovered in NuGet Supply Chain Attack

60 New Malicious Packages Uncovered in NuGet Supply Chain Attack

Jul 11, 2024 Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Threat actors have been observed publishing a new wave of malicious packages to the NuGet package manager as part of an ongoing campaign that began in August 2023, while also adding a new layer of stealth to evade detection. The fresh packages, about 60 in number and spanning 290 versions, demonstrate a refined approach from the previous set that came to light in October 2023, software supply chain security firm ReversingLabs said. The attackers pivoted from using NuGet's MSBuild integrations to "a strategy that uses simple, obfuscated downloaders that are inserted into legitimate PE binary files using Intermediary Language (IL) Weaving, a .NET programming technique for modifying an application's code after compilation," security researcher Karlo Zanki said . The end goal of the counterfeit packages, both old and new, is to deliver an off-the-shelf remote access trojan called SeroXen RAT . All the identified packages have since been taken down. The latest coll
New Poco RAT Targets Spanish-Speaking Victims in Phishing Campaign

New Poco RAT Targets Spanish-Speaking Victims in Phishing Campaign

Jul 11, 2024 Malware / Threat Intelligence
Spanish language victims are the target of an email phishing campaign that delivers a new remote access trojan (RAT) called Poco RAT since at least February 2024. The attacks primarily single out mining, manufacturing, hospitality, and utilities sectors, according to cybersecurity company Cofense. "The majority of the custom code in the malware appears to be focused on anti-analysis, communicating with its command-and-control center (C2), and downloading and running files with a limited focus on monitoring or harvesting credentials," it said . Infection chains begin with phishing messages bearing finance-themed lures that trick recipients into clicking on an embedded URL pointing to a 7-Zip archive file hosted on Google Drive. Other methods observed include the use of HTML or PDF files directly attached to the emails or downloaded via another embedded Google Drive link. The abuse of legitimate services by threat actors is not a new phenomenon as it allows them to bypass
PHP Vulnerability Exploited to Spread Malware and Launch DDoS Attacks

PHP Vulnerability Exploited to Spread Malware and Launch DDoS Attacks

Jul 11, 2024 Cyber Attack / Vulnerability
Multiple threat actors have been observed exploiting a recently disclosed security flaw in PHP to deliver remote access trojans, cryptocurrency miners, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnets. The vulnerability in question is CVE-2024-4577 (CVSS score: 9.8), which allows an attacker to remotely execute malicious commands on Windows systems using Chinese and Japanese language locales. It was publicly disclosed in early June 2024. "CVE-2024-4577 is a flaw that allows an attacker to escape the command line and pass arguments to be interpreted directly by PHP," Akamai researchers Kyle Lefton, Allen West, and Sam Tinklenberg said in a Wednesday analysis. "The vulnerability itself lies in how Unicode characters are converted into ASCII." The web infrastructure company said it began observing exploit attempts against its honeypot servers targeting the PHP flaw within 24 hours of it being public knowledge. This included exploits designed to deliver a remote
GuardZoo Malware Targets Over 450 Middle Eastern Military Personnel

GuardZoo Malware Targets Over 450 Middle Eastern Military Personnel

Jul 09, 2024
Military personnel from Middle East countries are the target of an ongoing surveillanceware operation that delivers an Android data-gathering tool called GuardZoo . The campaign , believed to have commenced as early as October 2019, has been attributed to a Houthi-aligned threat actor based on the application lures, command-and-control (C2) server logs, targeting footprint, and the attack infrastructure location, according to Lookout. More than 450 victims have been impacted by the malicious activity, with targets located in Egypt, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the U.A.E., and Yemen. Telemetry data indicates that most of the infections have been recorded in Yemen. GuardZoo is a modified version of an Android remote access trojan (RAT) named Dendroid RAT that was first discovered by Broadcom-owned Symantec in March 2014. The entire source code associated with the crimeware solution was leaked later that August. Originally marketed as a commodity malware for a one-off price
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