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Category — Google Play Store
Crypto Scam App Disguised as WalletConnect Steals $70K in Five-Month Campaign

Crypto Scam App Disguised as WalletConnect Steals $70K in Five-Month Campaign

Sep 28, 2024 Cryptocurrency / Mobile Security
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a malicious Android app on the Google Play Store that enabled the threat actors behind it to steal approximately $70,000 in cryptocurrency from victims over a period of nearly five months. The dodgy app, identified by Check Point, masqueraded as the legitimate WalletConnect open-source protocol to trick unsuspecting users into downloading it. "Fake reviews and consistent branding helped the app achieve over 10,000 downloads by ranking high in search results," the cybersecurity company said in an analysis, adding it's the first time a cryptocurrency drainer has exclusively targeted mobile device users. Over 150 users are estimated to have fallen victim to the scam, although it's believed that not all users who downloaded the app were impacted by the cryptocurrency drainer. The campaign involved distributing a deceptive app that went by several names such as "Mestox Calculator," "WalletConnect - DeFi &
Necro Android Malware Found in Popular Camera and Browser Apps on Play Store

Necro Android Malware Found in Popular Camera and Browser Apps on Play Store

Sep 24, 2024 Mobile Security / Malware
Altered versions of legitimate Android apps associated with Spotify, WhatsApp, and Minecraft have been used to deliver a new version of a known malware loader called Necro. Kaspersky said some of the malicious apps have also been found on the Google Play Store. They have been cumulatively downloaded 11 million times. They include - Wuta Camera - Nice Shot Always (com.benqu.wuta) - 10+ million downloads Max Browser-Private & Security (com.max.browser) - 1+ million downloads As of writing, Max Browser is no longer available for download from the Play Store. Wuta Camera, on the other hand, has been updated (version to remove the malware. The latest version of the app,, was released on September 8, 2024. It's currently not clear how both the apps were compromised with the malware in the first place, although it's believed that a rogue software developer kit (SDK) for integrating advertising capabilities is the culprit. Necro (not to be confused w
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
New Mandrake Spyware Found in Google Play Store Apps After Two Years

New Mandrake Spyware Found in Google Play Store Apps After Two Years

Jul 30, 2024 Mobile Security / Spyware
A new iteration of a sophisticated Android spyware called Mandrake has been discovered in five applications that were available for download from the Google Play Store and remained undetected for two years. The applications attracted a total of more than 32,000 installations before being pulled from the app storefront, Kaspersky said in a Monday write-up. A majority of the downloads originated from Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Peru, and the U.K. "The new samples included new layers of obfuscation and evasion techniques, such as moving malicious functionality to obfuscated native libraries, using certificate pinning for C2 communications, and performing a wide array of tests to check if Mandrake was running on a rooted device or in an emulated environment," researchers Tatyana Shishkova and Igor Golovin said . Mandrake was first documented by Romanian cybersecurity vendor Bitdefender in May 2020, describing its deliberate approach to infect a handful of devices
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'Konfety' Ad Fraud Uses 250+ Google Play Decoy Apps to Hide Malicious Twins

'Konfety' Ad Fraud Uses 250+ Google Play Decoy Apps to Hide Malicious Twins

Jul 16, 2024 Mobile Security / Online Security
Details have emerged about a "massive ad fraud operation" that leverages hundreds of apps on the Google Play Store to perform a host of nefarious activities. The campaign has been codenamed Konfety – the Russian word for Candy – owing to its abuse of a mobile advertising software development kit (SDK) associated with a Russia-based ad network called CaramelAds . "Konfety represents a new form of fraud and obfuscation, in which threat actors operate 'evil twin' versions of 'decoy twin' apps available on major marketplaces," HUMAN's Satori Threat Intelligence Team said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. While the decoy apps, totaling more than 250 in number, are harmless and distributed via the Google Play Store, their respective "evil twins" are disseminated through a malvertising campaign designed to facilitate ad fraud, monitor web searches, install browser extensions, and sideload APK files code onto users' d
Brazilian Banks Targeted by New AllaKore RAT Variant Called AllaSenha

Brazilian Banks Targeted by New AllaKore RAT Variant Called AllaSenha

May 29, 2024 Mobile Security / Banking Trojan
Brazilian banking institutions are the target of a new campaign that distributes a custom variant of the Windows-based AllaKore remote access trojan (RAT) called AllaSenha . The malware is "specifically aimed at stealing credentials that are required to access Brazilian bank accounts, [and] leverages Azure cloud as command-and-control (C2) infrastructure," French cybersecurity company HarfangLab said in a technical analysis. Targets of the campaign include banks such as Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Banco Safra, Caixa Econômica Federal, Itaú Unibanco, Sicoob, and Sicredi. The initial access vector, though not definitively confirmed, points towards the use of malicious links in phishing messages. The starting point of the attack is a malicious Windows shortcut (LNK) file that masquerades as a PDF document ("NotaFiscal.pdf.lnk") hosted on a WebDAV server since at least March 2024. There is also evidence to suggest that the threat actors behind the activity previous
Google Prevented 2.28 Million Malicious Apps from Reaching Play Store in 2023

Google Prevented 2.28 Million Malicious Apps from Reaching Play Store in 2023

Apr 29, 2024 Mobile Security / Hacking
Google on Monday revealed that almost 200,000 app submissions to its Play Store for Android were either rejected or remediated to address issues with access to sensitive data such as location or SMS messages over the past year. The tech giant also said it blocked 333,000 bad accounts from the app storefront in 2023 for attempting to distribute malware or for repeated policy violations. "In 2023, we prevented 2.28 million policy-violating apps from being published on Google Play in part thanks to our investment in new and improved security features, policy updates, and advanced machine learning and app review processes," Google's Steve Kafka, Khawaja Shams, and Mohet Saxena said . "To help safeguard user privacy at scale, we partnered with SDK providers to limit sensitive data access and sharing, enhancing the privacy posture for over 31 SDKs impacting 790K+ apps." In comparison, Google  fended off 1.43 million bad apps  from being published to the Play Sto
'eXotic Visit' Spyware Campaign Targets Android Users in India and Pakistan

'eXotic Visit' Spyware Campaign Targets Android Users in India and Pakistan

Apr 10, 2024 Mobile Security / Spyware
An active Android malware campaign dubbed eXotic Visit has been primarily targeting users in South Asia, particularly those in India and Pakistan, with malware distributed via dedicated websites and Google Play Store. Slovak cybersecurity firm said the activity, ongoing since November 2021, is not linked to any known threat actor or group. It's tracking the group behind the operation under the name  Virtual Invaders . "Downloaded apps provide legitimate functionality, but also include code from the open-source Android  XploitSPY RAT ," ESET security researcher Lukáš Štefanko  said  in a technical report released today. The campaign is said to be highly targeted in nature, with the apps available on Google Play having negligible number of installs ranging from zero to 45. The apps have since been taken down. The fake-but-functional apps primarily masquerade as messaging services like Alpha Chat, ChitChat, Defcom, Dink Messenger, Signal Lite, TalkU, WeTalk, Wicker Mes
Malicious Apps Caught Secretly Turning Android Phones into Proxies for Cybercriminals

Malicious Apps Caught Secretly Turning Android Phones into Proxies for Cybercriminals

Apr 01, 2024 Botnet / Mobile Security
Several malicious Android apps that turn mobile devices running the operating system into residential proxies (RESIPs) for other threat actors have been observed on the Google Play Store. The findings come from HUMAN's Satori Threat Intelligence team, which said the cluster of VPN apps came fitted with a Golang library that transformed the user's device into a proxy node without their knowledge. The operation has been codenamed  PROXYLIB  by the company. The 29 apps in question have since been removed by Google. Residential proxies are a network of proxy servers sourced from real IP addresses provided by internet service providers (ISPs), helping users hide their actual IP addresses by routing their internet traffic through an intermediary server. The anonymity benefits aside, they are ripe for abuse by threat actors to not only obfuscate their origins, but also to conduct a wide range of attacks. "When a threat actor uses a residential proxy, the traffic from these
Anatsa Android Trojan Bypasses Google Play Security, Expands Reach to New Countries

Anatsa Android Trojan Bypasses Google Play Security, Expands Reach to New Countries

Feb 19, 2024 Malware / Mobile Security
The Android banking trojan known as  Anatsa  has expanded its focus to include Slovakia, Slovenia, and Czechia as part of a new campaign observed in November 2023. "Some of the droppers in the campaign successfully exploited the accessibility service, despite Google Play's enhanced detection and protection mechanisms," ThreatFabric  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. "All droppers in this campaign have demonstrated the capability to bypass the restricted settings for accessibility service in Android 13." The campaign, in total, involves five droppers with more than 100,000 total installations. Also known by the name TeaBot and Toddler, Anatsa is known to be distributed under the guise of seemingly innocuous apps on the Google Play Store. These apps, called droppers, facilitate the installation of the malware by circumventing security measures imposed by Google that seek to grant sensitive permissions. In June 2023, the Dutch mobile security firm
New Sneaky Xamalicious Android Malware Hits Over 327,000 Devices

New Sneaky Xamalicious Android Malware Hits Over 327,000 Devices

Dec 27, 2023 Privacy / App Security
A new Android backdoor has been discovered with potent capabilities to carry out a range of malicious actions on infected devices. Dubbed  Xamalicious  by the McAfee Mobile Research Team, the malware is so named for the fact that it's developed using an open-source mobile app framework called Xamarin and abuses the operating system's accessibility permissions to fulfill its objectives. It's also capable of gathering metadata about the compromised device and contacting a command-and-control (C2) server to fetch a second-stage payload, but only after determining if it fits the bill. The second stage is "dynamically injected as an assembly DLL at runtime level to take full control of the device and potentially perform fraudulent actions such as clicking on ads, installing apps, among other actions financially motivated without user consent," security researcher Fernando Ruiz  said . The cybersecurity firm said it identified 25 apps that come with this active thr
SpyLoan Scandal: 18 Malicious Loan Apps Defraud Millions of Android Users

SpyLoan Scandal: 18 Malicious Loan Apps Defraud Millions of Android Users

Dec 11, 2023 Data Security / Mobile Security
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered 18  malicious loan apps  for Android on the Google Play Store that have been collectively downloaded over 12 million times. "Despite their attractive appearance, these services are in fact designed to defraud users by offering them high-interest-rate loans endorsed with deceitful descriptions, all while collecting their victims' personal and financial information to blackmail them, and in the end gain their funds," ESET  said . The Slovak cybersecurity company is tracking these apps under the name  SpyLoan , noting they are designed to target potential borrowers located in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The list of apps, which have now been taken down by Google, is below - AA Kredit: इंस्टेंट लोन ऐप (com.aa.kredit.android) Amor Cash: Préstamos Sin Buró (com.amorcash.credito.prestamo) Oro Préstamo - Efectivo rápido (com.app.lo.go) Cashwow (com.cashwow.cow.eg) CrediBus Préstamos de crédito (com.dinero.profin.pr
Malicious Apps Disguised as Banks and Government Agencies Targeting Indian Android Users

Malicious Apps Disguised as Banks and Government Agencies Targeting Indian Android Users

Nov 21, 2023 Android Security / Cryptocurrency
Android smartphone users in India are the target of a new malware campaign that employs social engineering lures to install fraudulent apps that are capable of harvesting sensitive data. "Using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, attackers are sending messages designed to lure users into installing a malicious app on their mobile device by impersonating legitimate organizations, such as banks, government services, and utilities," Microsoft threat intelligence researchers Abhishek Pustakala, Harshita Tripathi, and Shivang Desai  said  in a Monday analysis. The ultimate goal of the operation is to capture banking details, payment card information, account credentials, and other personal data. The attack chains involve sharing malicious APK files via social media messages sent on WhatsApp and Telegram by falsely presenting them as banking apps and inducing a sense of urgency by claiming that the targets' bank accounts will be blocked unless they update their permanent a
Google Play Store Highlights 'Independent Security Review' Badge for VPN Apps

Google Play Store Highlights 'Independent Security Review' Badge for VPN Apps

Nov 04, 2023 Mobile Security / Android
Google is rolling out a new banner to highlight the "Independent security review" badge in the Play Store's Data safety section for Android VPN apps that have undergone a Mobile Application Security Assessment ( MASA ) audit. "We've launched this banner beginning with VPN apps due to the sensitive and significant amount of user data these apps handle," Nataliya Stanetsky of the Android Security and Privacy Team  said . MASA allows developers to have their apps independently validated against a global security standard such as the Mobile Application Security Verification Standard ( MASVS ), thereby providing more transparency and enabling users to make informed choices prior to downloading them. The efforts are part of Google's broader push to make the Data safety section a  one-stop   shop  that presents a "unified view of app safety," offering details about the kind of data that's being collected, for what purpose, and if it's be
Millions Infected by Spyware Hidden in Fake Telegram Apps on Google Play

Millions Infected by Spyware Hidden in Fake Telegram Apps on Google Play

Sep 09, 2023 Mobile Security / Spyware
Spyware masquerading as modified versions of Telegram have been spotted in the Google Play Store that's designed to harvest sensitive information from compromised Android devices. According to Kaspersky security researcher Igor Golovin, the apps come with  nefarious features  to capture and exfiltrate names, user IDs, contacts, phone numbers, and chat messages to an actor-controlled server. The activity has been codenamed  Evil Telegram  by the Russian cybersecurity company. The apps have been collectively downloaded millions of times before they were taken down by Google. Their details are as follows - 電報,紙飛機-TG繁體中文版 or 電報,小飛機-TG繁體中文版 (org.telegram.messenger.wab) - 10 million+ downloads TG繁體中文版-電報,紙飛機 (org.telegram.messenger.wab) - 50,000+ downloads 电报,纸飞机-TG简体中文版 (org.telegram.messenger.wob) - 50,000+ downloads 电报,纸飞机-TG简体中文版 (org.tgcn.messenger.wob) - 10,000+ downloads ئۇيغۇر تىلى TG - تېلېگرامما (org.telegram.messenger.wcb) - 100+ downloads The last app on the list tran
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