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Category — Facebook
Meta to Train AI Models Using Public U.K. Facebook and Instagram Posts

Meta to Train AI Models Using Public U.K. Facebook and Instagram Posts

Sep 17, 2024 Artificial Intelligence / Regulatory Compliance
Meta has announced that it will begin training its artificial intelligence (AI) systems using public content shared by adult users across Facebook and Instagram in the U.K. in the coming months. "This means that our generative AI models will reflect British culture, history, and idiom, and that U.K. companies and institutions will be able to utilize the latest technology," the social media behemoth said . As part of the process, users aged 18 and above are expected to receive in-app notifications starting this week on both Facebook and Instagram, explaining its modus operandi and how they can readily access an objection form to deny their data being used to train the company's generative AI models. The company said it will honor users' choices and that it won't contact users who have already objected to their data being used for their purpose. It also noted that it will not include private messages with friends and family, as well as information from accounts
North Korean Hackers Exploit Facebook Messenger in Targeted Malware Campaign

North Korean Hackers Exploit Facebook Messenger in Targeted Malware Campaign

May 16, 2024 Malware / Cyber Espionage
The North Korea-linked  Kimsuky hacking group  has been attributed to a new social engineering attack that employs fictitious Facebook accounts to targets via Messenger and ultimately delivers malware. "The threat actor created a Facebook account with a fake identity disguised as a public official working in the North Korean human rights field," South Korean cybersecurity company Genians  said  in a report published last week. The multi-stage attack campaign, which impersonates a legitimate individual, is designed to target activists in the North Korean human rights and anti-North Korea sectors, it noted. The approach is a departure from the typical email-based spear-phishing strategy in that it leverages the social media platform to approach targets through Facebook Messenger and trick them into opening seemingly private documents written by the persona. The decoy documents, hosted on OneDrive, is a Microsoft Common Console document that masquerades as an essay or cont
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
New 'VietCredCare' Stealer Targeting Facebook Advertisers in Vietnam

New 'VietCredCare' Stealer Targeting Facebook Advertisers in Vietnam

Feb 21, 2024 Malware / Cyber Threat
Facebook advertisers in Vietnam are the target of a previously unknown information stealer dubbed  VietCredCare  at least since August 2022. The malware is "notable for its ability to automatically filter out Facebook session cookies and credentials stolen from compromised devices, and assess whether these accounts manage business profiles and if they maintain a positive Meta ad credit balance," Singapore-headquartered Group-IB  said  in a new report shared with The Hacker News. The end goal of the large-scale malware distribution scheme is to facilitate the takeover of corporate Facebook accounts by targeting Vietnamese individuals who manage the Facebook profiles of prominent businesses and organizations. Facebook accounts that have been successfully seized are then used by the threat actors behind the operation to post political content or to propagate phishing and affiliate scams for financial gain. VietCredCare is offered to other aspiring cybercriminals under the stealer-as
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Beware: Fake Facebook Job Ads Spreading 'Ov3r_Stealer' to Steal Crypto and Credentials

Beware: Fake Facebook Job Ads Spreading 'Ov3r_Stealer' to Steal Crypto and Credentials

Feb 06, 2024 Social Engineering / Malvertising
Threat actors are leveraging bogus Facebook job advertisements as a lure to trick prospective targets into installing a new Windows-based stealer malware codenamed  Ov3r_Stealer . "This malware is designed to steal credentials and crypto wallets and send those to a Telegram channel that the threat actor monitors," Trustwave SpiderLabs said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Ov3r_Stealer is capable of siphoning IP address-based location, hardware info, passwords, cookies, credit card information, auto-fills, browser extensions, crypto wallets, Microsoft Office documents, and a list of antivirus products installed on the compromised host. While the exact end goal of the campaign is unknown, it's likely that the stolen information is offered for sale to other threat actors. Another possibility is that Ov3r_Stealer could be updated over time to act as a  QakBot-like loader  for additional payloads, including ransomware. The starting point of the attack is a weapo
Vietnamese Hackers Using New Delphi-Powered Malware to Target Indian Marketers

Vietnamese Hackers Using New Delphi-Powered Malware to Target Indian Marketers

Nov 14, 2023 ChatGPT / Malware
The Vietnamese threat actors behind the Ducktail stealer malware have been linked to a new campaign that ran between March and early October 2023, targeting marketing professionals in India with an aim to hijack Facebook business accounts. "An important feature that sets it apart is that, unlike previous campaigns, which relied on .NET applications, this one used Delphi as the programming language," Kaspersky  said  in a report published last week. Ducktail , alongside  Duckport  and  NodeStealer , is part of a  cybercrime ecosystem  operating out of Vietnam, with the attackers primarily using sponsored ads on Facebook to propagate malicious ads and deploy malware capable of plundering victims' login cookies and ultimately taking control of their accounts. Such attacks primarily single out users who may have access to a Facebook Business account. The fraudsters then use the unauthorized access to place advertisements for financial gain, perpetuating the infections fur
NodeStealer Malware Hijacking Facebook Business Accounts for Malicious Ads

NodeStealer Malware Hijacking Facebook Business Accounts for Malicious Ads

Nov 03, 2023 Online Security / Malware
Compromised Facebook business accounts are being used to run bogus ads that employ "revealing photos of young women" as lures to trick victims into downloading an updated version of a malware called  NodeStealer . "Clicking on ads immediately downloads an archive containing a malicious .exe 'Photo Album' file which also drops a second executable written in .NET – this payload is in charge of stealing browser cookies and passwords," Bitdefender  said  in a report published this week. NodeStealer was  first disclosed  by Meta in May 2023 as a JavaScript malware designed to facilitate the takeover of Facebook accounts. Since then, the threat actors behind the operation have leveraged a Python-based variant in their attacks. The malware is part of a  burgeoning cybercrime ecosystem  in Vietnam, where multiple threat actors are leveraging overlapping methods that primarily involve advertising-as-a-vector on Facebook for propagation. The latest campaign disc
Meta Launches Paid Ad-Free Subscription in Europe to Satisfy Privacy Laws

Meta Launches Paid Ad-Free Subscription in Europe to Satisfy Privacy Laws

Oct 31, 2023 Privacy / Online Security
Meta on Monday announced plans to offer an ad-free option to access Facebook and Instagram for users in the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland to comply with "evolving" data protection regulations in the region. The ad-free subscription, which costs €9.99/month on the web or €12.99/month on iOS and Android, is expected to be officially available starting next month. The company's proposal for a subscription version of its service was  first reported  by The Wall Street Journal earlier this month. "In November, we will be offering people who use Facebook or Instagram and reside in these regions the choice to continue using these personalized services for free with ads, or subscribe to stop seeing ads," the company  said . "While people are subscribed, their information will not be used for ads." While the fee covers all linked accounts for a user, beginning March 1, 2024, the company plans to levy an additional fee
NodeStealer Malware Now Targets Facebook Business Accounts on Multiple Browsers

NodeStealer Malware Now Targets Facebook Business Accounts on Multiple Browsers

Sep 15, 2023 Online Security / Malware
An ongoing campaign is targeting Facebook Business accounts with bogus messages to harvest victims' credentials using a variant of the Python-based  NodeStealer  and potentially take over their accounts for follow-on malicious activities.  "The attacks are reaching victims mainly in Southern Europe and North America across different segments, led by the manufacturing services and technology sectors," Netskope Threat Labs researcher Jan Michael Alcantara  said  in an analysis published Thursday. First documented by Meta in May 2023, NodeStealer  originated  as a JavaScript malware capable of pilfering cookies and passwords from web browsers to compromise Facebook, Gmail, and Outlook accounts. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, last month,  revealed  a separate attack wave that took place in December 2022 using a Python version of the malware, with select iterations also designed to conduct cryptocurrency theft. The latest findings from Netskope suggest the Vietnamese threat
Meta Takes Down Thousands of Accounts Involved in Disinformation Ops from China and Russia

Meta Takes Down Thousands of Accounts Involved in Disinformation Ops from China and Russia

Sep 05, 2023 Social Media / Disinformation
Meta has disclosed that it disrupted two of the largest known covert influence operations in the world from China and Russia, blocking thousands of accounts and pages across its platform. "It targeted more than 50 apps, including Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, Pinterest, Medium, Blogspot, LiveJournal, VKontakte, Vimeo, and dozens of smaller platforms and forums," Guy Rosen, chief information security officer at Meta, said last week, describing the Chinese disinformation group. The network, which included 7,704 Facebook accounts, 954 Pages, 15 Groups and 15 Instagram accounts, is said to have been run by "geographically dispersed operators" across China, posting content about China and its province Xinjiang, criticism of the U.S, Western foreign policies, and critics of the Chinese government. Central to the activity is the sharing of spammy links, the origins of which trace back to a cluster named Spamouflage (aka DRAGONBRIDGE ) that has been
Vietnamese Cybercriminals Targeting Facebook Business Accounts with Malvertising

Vietnamese Cybercriminals Targeting Facebook Business Accounts with Malvertising

Sep 04, 2023 Malvertising / Social Media
Malicious actors associated with the Vietnamese cybercrime ecosystem are leveraging advertising-as-a-vector on social media platforms such as Meta-owned Facebook to distribute malware. "Threat actors have long used fraudulent ads as a vector to target victims with scams, malvertising, and more," WithSecure researcher Mohammad Kazem Hassan Nejad  said . "And with businesses now leveraging the reach of social media for advertising, attackers have a new, highly-lucrative type of attack to add to their arsenal – hijacking business accounts." Cyber attacks targeting Meta Business and Facebook accounts have gained popularity over the past year, courtesy of activity clusters such as  Ducktail  and  NodeStealer  that are known to raid businesses and individuals operating on Facebook. Among the methods employed by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to user accounts, social engineering plays a significant role. Victims are approached through various platforms ranging from Facebook a
Phishers Exploit Salesforce's Email Services Zero-Day in Targeted Facebook Campaign

Phishers Exploit Salesforce's Email Services Zero-Day in Targeted Facebook Campaign

Aug 02, 2023 Vulnerability /
A sophisticated Facebook phishing campaign has been observed exploiting a zero-day flaw in Salesforce's email services, allowing threat actors to craft targeted phishing messages using the company's domain and infrastructure. "Those phishing campaigns cleverly evade conventional detection methods by chaining the Salesforce vulnerability and legacy quirks in Facebook's Web Games platform," Guardio Labs researchers Oleg Zaytsev and Nati Tal  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. The email messages masquerade as coming from Meta, while being sent from an email address with a "@salesforce.com" domain. They seek to trick recipients into clicking on a link by claiming that their Facebook accounts are undergoing a "comprehensive investigation" due to "suspicions of engaging in impersonation." The goal is to direct users to a rogue landing page that's designed to capture the victim's account credentials and two-factor aut
E.U. Regulators Hit Meta with Record $1.3 Billion Fine for Data Transfer Violations

E.U. Regulators Hit Meta with Record $1.3 Billion Fine for Data Transfer Violations

May 22, 2023 Data Protection / Privacy
Facebook's parent company Meta has been fined a record $1.3 billion by European Union data protection regulators for transferring the personal data of users in the region to the U.S. In a binding decision taken by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), the social media giant has been ordered to bring its data transfers into compliance with the GDPR and delete unlawfully stored and processed data within six months. Additionally, Meta has been given five months to suspend any future transfer of Facebook users' data to the U.S. Instagram and WhatsApp, which are also owned by the company, are not subject to the order. "The EDPB found that Meta IE's infringement is very serious since it concerns transfers that are systematic, repetitive, and continuous," Andrea Jelinek, EDPB Chair,  said  in a statement. "Facebook has millions of users in Europe, so the volume of personal data transferred is massive. The unprecedented fine is a strong signal to organizati
Meta Uncovers Massive Social Media Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia

Meta Uncovers Massive Social Media Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia

May 04, 2023 Social Media / Cyber Risk
Three different threat actors leveraged hundreds of elaborate fictitious personas on Facebook and Instagram to target individuals located in South Asia as part of disparate attacks. "Each of these APTs relied heavily on social engineering to trick people into clicking on malicious links, downloading malware or sharing personal information across the internet," Guy Rosen, chief information security officer at Meta,  said . "This investment in social engineering meant that these threat actors did not have to invest as much on the malware side." The fake accounts, in addition to using traditional lures like women looking for a romantic connection, masqueraded as recruiters, journalists, or military personnel. At least two of the  cyber espionage efforts  entailed the use of low-sophistication malware with reduced capabilities, likely in an attempt to get past  app verification checks  established by Apple and Google.  One of the groups that came under Meta's r
Meta Takes Down Malware Campaign That Used ChatGPT as a Lure to Steal Accounts

Meta Takes Down Malware Campaign That Used ChatGPT as a Lure to Steal Accounts

May 04, 2023 Online Security / ChatGPT
Meta said it took steps to take down more than 1,000 malicious URLs from being shared across its services that were found to leverage OpenAI's ChatGPT as a lure to propagate about 10 malware families since March 2023. The development comes  against  the backdrop of  fake ChatGPT   web browser extensions  being increasingly used to steal users' Facebook account credentials with an aim to run unauthorized ads from hijacked business accounts. "Threat actors create malicious browser extensions available in official web stores that claim to offer ChatGPT-based tools," Meta  said . "They would then promote these malicious extensions on social media and through sponsored search results to trick people into downloading malware." The social media giant said it has blocked several iterations of a multi-pronged malware campaign dubbed  Ducktail  over the years, adding it issued a cease and desist letter to individuals behind the operation who are located in Vietna
Fake ChatGPT Chrome Extension Hijacking Facebook Accounts for Malicious Advertising

Fake ChatGPT Chrome Extension Hijacking Facebook Accounts for Malicious Advertising

Mar 13, 2023 Browser Security / Artificial Intelligence
A fake ChatGPT-branded Chrome browser extension has been found to come with capabilities to hijack Facebook accounts and create rogue admin accounts, highlighting one of the different methods cyber criminals are using to distribute malware. "By hijacking high-profile Facebook business accounts, the threat actor creates an elite army of Facebook bots and a malicious paid media apparatus," Guardio Labs researcher Nati Tal  said  in a technical report. "This allows it to push Facebook paid ads at the expense of its victims in a self-propagating worm-like manner." The "Quick access to Chat GPT" extension, which is said to have attracted 2,000 installations per day since March 3, 2023, has since been pulled by Google from the Chrome Web Store as of March 9, 2023. The browser add-on is promoted through Facebook-sponsored posts, and while it offers the ability to connect to the ChatGPT service, it's also engineered to surreptitiously harvest cookies and
Irish Regulators Fine Facebook $414 Million for Forcing Users to Accept Targeted Ads

Irish Regulators Fine Facebook $414 Million for Forcing Users to Accept Targeted Ads

Jan 05, 2023 Privacy / Data Protection
The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has  fined  Meta Platforms €390 million (roughly $414 million) over its handling of user data for serving personalized ads in what could be a major blow to its ad-fueled business model. To that end, the privacy regulator has ordered Meta Ireland to pay two fines – a €210 million ($222.5 million) fine over violations of the E.U. General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) related to Facebook, and a €180 million ($191 million) for similar violations in Instagram. The latest enforcement comes in the wake of concerns that the social media company used its Terms of Service to gain users' forced consent to allow targeted advertising based on their online activity. The complaints were filed on May 25, 2018, the date when GDPR came into effect in the region. It also arrives a month after the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), an independent body that oversees the consistent application of GDPR in the E.U.,  announced  that it had reached 
Facebook to Pay $725 Million to settle Lawsuit Over Cambridge Analytica Data Leak

Facebook to Pay $725 Million to settle Lawsuit Over Cambridge Analytica Data Leak

Dec 27, 2022 Data Security / Privacy
Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has agreed to pay $725 million to settle a long-running class-action lawsuit filed in 2018. The legal dispute sprang up in response to revelations that the social media giant allowed third-party apps such as those used by Cambridge Analytica to access users' personal information without their consent for political advertising. The proposed settlement, first  reported  by Reuters last week, is the latest penalty paid by the company in the wake of a  number  of  privacy   mishaps   through the years . It still requires the approval of a federal judge in the San Francisco division of the U.S. District Court. It's worth noting that Facebook previously sought to  dismiss the lawsuit  in September 2019,  claiming  users have no legitimate privacy interest in any information they make available to their friends on social media. The  data harvesting scandal , which  came  to  light  in March 2018, involved a
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